Month: May 2013

  • Book Review, The Information: A History, A Theory, A Flood. By James Gleick

    What is information? This is probably the main question driving the reader throughout the book, which is presented as a comprehensive review of the concept of information, its history, meaning and role in modern society. In 437 pages, James Gleick takes the reader through the discovery of the “historicity” of the concept of information, exposed…

  • Book Review: African Fractals, by Ron Eglash

     Download the COMPLETE BOOK REVIEW African Fractals is an interesting book about ethno-mathematics in Africa. It is about about the presence of advanced mathematical concepts in traditional African cultures, and uses these findings as a way of empowerment for African cultures – diaspora included. It is a risky move, because it accepts the presence of…

  • Book Review: The Net Delusion, by Evgeny Morozov

    By Javier de Rivera Originally written in in Jan 3, 2012. Considered one of the best books of the year 2011 by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, The Net Delusion offers an interesting analysis of the relation between Internet development and its political consequences, with an special emphasis in what is happening in authoritarian governments.…

  • Book Review: The Cybernetic Brain, by Andrew Pickering

    Download the COMPLETE book review: The Cybernetic Brain, by Pickering In this critical review I try to point out the flaws of the book and expose the weak arguments of Pickering. The book is awful. It is probably one of the worst books I have read. Aside from the egotistic and narcissistic tone of Pickering,…