Category: Articles
Comentarios a \”La materia contraataca: una tentativa objetológica\”
Hace poco ha salido un publicado un artículo, \”La materia contraataca: una tentativa objetológica\”, de Jaron Rowan, Carla Boserman y Jara Rocha en el que citan uno de mis textos, como ejemplo de crítica hacia “el pensamiento latourniano por no aceptar las responsabilidades políticas de los humanos”, lo cual agradezco enormemente. El texto desarrolla la…
Digital media, new social movements and the cosmopolitarian subject
By Javier de Rivera The social movements of 2011 have put the political relevance of social media on the front page of social analysis. From a discourse based on the marketing marvelousness of the Web 2.0, the “prosumer” and new business possibilities, we passed in just a few months to talk about political revolutions (in…
Opening a new blog
Why am I opening a new blog? It\’s not easy to define how you are presenting your projects online. What do you want to communicate? What\’s the best way to do it? First, I started Sociologia y Redes sociales as a resource to help me think about my thesis project of producing a sociological account…